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Developer Tools


On Midway3 GDB and Valgrind as modules for debugging and memory leak checking with your code.

To debug your code with gdb, you compile your code with -g and then run gdb:

  g++ -g -o test test.cpp
  module load gdb
  gdb --args ./test param1 param2
You can also use gdb to debug your Python codes. Alternatively, use pbd.

  python3 -m pdb
To check if there is any memory leak with your code, use valgrind
  g++ -g -o test test.cpp
  module load valgrind
  valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./test param1 param2
Please refer to the official documentation of GDB and Valgrind for more information.

For CUDA codes, after loading the CUDA toolkit module you can use cuda-gdb and cuda-memcheck.


On Midway3 there are currently 3 profiling tools: TAU, NVIDIA Nsight and Intel VTune.

TAU is a tool for profiling and tracing toolkit for performance analysis of parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, UPC, Java, Python. You can load tau/2.31 on Midway3.

The TAU binaries and scripts in the subfolders $TAU_HOME/bin, and several Makefile.* in $TAU_HOME/lib . To use TAU, you need to rebuild your code using one of the scripts inside $TAU_HOME/bin: C codes use; C++ codes use (see for example, the doc page at OLCF). Should a new be needed, then the CC and CXX environment variables need to be exported:

before the first cmake run, or before running make.

Run the generated binaries as usual (e.g. mpirun -np 4 ./binary args) the output will now include the files profile.* in the working directory. At this point, run paraprof to launch the GUI analysis (need module load java), or pprof for command-line output.

Different options for compile time are available (e.g. -optVerbose), options for run time (e.g. TAU_TRACK_MEMORY_LEAKS=1)

NVIDIA Nsight is a system-wide performance analysis tool designed to visualize an application’s algorithms, identify the largest opportunities to optimize, and tune to scale efficiently across any quantity or size of CPUs and GPUs.

To use NVIDIA Nsight System and Nsight Compute, load one of the available cuda modules.

    module load cuda/12.2
To launch the corresponding GUI applications, use
You can also use the command-line interface nsys and ncu. Please refer to the NVIDIA Nsight documentation for further details.

Intel VTune is part of the oneAPI(C) software suite for optimizing application performance, system performance, and system configuration for HPC. To use the profilers, vtune and the GUI vtune-gui, you load the oneapi module

    module load oneapi/2023.1