Singularity is a widely-adopted container runtime that implements a unique security model to mitigate privilege escalation risks and provides a platform to capture a complete application environment into a single file (SIF).
Available Modules
Singularity is available on and Midway3 that you can check via module avail singularity
. It is recommended to load the latest
version of singularity
to have bugfixes and new features.
module load singularity/3.9.2
Since March 2022, Singularity has become a Linux Foundation project and renamed to Apptainer. You can load a version of Apptainer on Midway3:
module load apptainer/1.1.4
You can pull container Singularity and Docker container images from external sources to your spaces on the login nodes:
singularity pull ubuntu.sif docker://ubuntu:latest
There are instructions to use Singularity on Midway3 given here.
Example job script
Suppose that you have pulled the image from the Internet (e.g. Docker Hub) to your folder on Midway3. In practice, you may want to bind mount the folders outside the container (e.g. where your input data is located and where output data is to be stored) with those inside the container. The following batch script illustrates a simple use case.
#SBATCH --job-name=test-singularity
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00
#SBATCH --account=pi-<group>
#SBATCH --partition=caslake
module load apptainer/3.9.2
singularity exec --bind /path/outside/image/:/path/inside/image/ \
--bind $PWD:/run/user \
your_image.sif arg1 arg2
is the path in your Midway3 directory, e.g. /project/[pi-cnetied]/your-folder/
and /path/inside/image/
is the path inside the container, e.g. /tmp/
. $PWD
is the present working directory (on Midway3)
and /run/user
is the one present inside the container. The python script when executed inside the container will read
input from /path/inside/image
and generate output to /run/user/
. You can bind multiple folders.
Known issues
As a default, Singularity uses the /tmp
directory on the local machine (whichever node or login node you happen to be working on) to dump temporary and cache files generated during the build process. After a container is built, these are usually deleted. For containers with a large total size (more than a few GB), you may encounter an error no space left on device
If you see this, then it most likely means that /tmp got filled up on the machine you're using. To get around this issue, create faketmp
and fakecache
directories, and redirect Singularity's default temporary output to SINGULARITY_TMPDIR
export $SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=$SCRATCH/$user/container/fakecache
export $SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=$SCRATCH/$user/container/faketmp
and fakecache
directories after creation of your container.