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Tensorflow and PyTorch

To use Tensorflow or PyTorch on Midway's GPU nodes, you may use an existing installation of either package provided as an Anaconda environment (see Python and Jupyter Notebook page), or install them into your own personal environment.

Importantly, you must use an existing installation of CUDA and/or CuDNN, which you will first load via module load cuda/<version> or module load cudnn/<version> (which automatically loads cuda).

Versions, versions, versions

As of March 2023, we find the combination of module versions python/anaconda-2021.05, cuda/11.2, and cudnn/11.2 to be the most stable. If wish to use newer versions of Python or CUDA, be sure to check the version compatibility as a first troubleshooting step when checking GPU engagement.

With the CUDA module/s loaded, and being connected to a GPU node, you should be able to import either Tensorflow and PyTorch and check GPU engagment with the following steps:

GPU Enagement

Here are a few quick tips on how to make sure you're actually using a GPU.

Checking in terminal

Before you even run your script, it can be useful to check to ensure that there are GPUs allocated to your jobs on the compute nodes.

NVIDIA has a built in System Management Interface that makes this simple with one command:


You should see details about the device, if it is detected.


Here's how to check if tensorflow sees your GPU/s.

import tensorflow as tf
The one-liner:
print("Num GPUs Available: ", len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))
For more info:
gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')


And here's how to check with PyTorch

import torch