ORCA is a general-purpose quantum chemistry package that supports a wide variety of methods such as density functional theory, many-body perturbation and coupled cluster. ORCA is free of charge, but not open source.
Check out the ORCA manual for more information: https://www.faccts.de/docs/orca/6.0/manual/
Keywords: quantum chemistry
, chemistry
Available modules
There are several ORCA modules on Midway3 that you can check via module avail orca
---------------------------- /software/modulefiles -----------------------------
orca/4.1 orca/4.2.1 orca/5.0.2(default) orca/6.0.1
orca/4.2 orca/5.0.0 orca/5.0.4
You can use module show
to see the dependencies and environment variables set by a specified orca
module, for example, module show orca/6.0.1
module-whatis {setup orca 6.0.1 compiled with the system compiler}
conflict orca
module load openmpi/4.1.2+gcc-10.2.0
prepend-path PATH /software/orca-6.0.1-el8-x86_64/bin
setenv ORCA_DIR /software/orca-6.0.1-el8-x86_64/bin
Example job script
An example batch script to run ORCA for Midway3 is given as below
#SBATCH --job-name=orca-bench
#SBATCH --account=pi-[cnetid]
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --mem=64GB
module load orca/6.0.1
ulimit -l unlimited
# the environment variable ORCA_DIR may be set by the orca module loaded
$ORCA_DIR/orca input.txt > output.log
Note that ORCA supports MPI parallelization with a compatible version of OpenMPI. For the given example, orca/6.0.1
is compatible with OpenMPI 4.1.x. Here the binary orca
will launch the 8 MPI processes as specified in the %pal
section in the input script input.txt
. Below is a simple input script that performs a geometry optimization calculation with the Hartree-Fock method with the DEF2-SVP basis set using 8 MPI procs.
nprocs 8
maxiter 500
* xyz 0 1
O 0.0000 0.0000 0.0626
H -0.7920 0.0000 -0.4973
H 0.7920 0.0000 -0.4973