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Slurm Partitions

Partitions are collections of compute nodes with similar characteristics. Normally, a user submits a job to a partition (via Slurm flag --partition=<partition>) and then the job is allocated to any idle compute node within that partition. To get a full list of available partitions, type the following command in the terminal

sinfo -o "%20P %5D %14F %4c %8G %8z %26f %N"
The typical output will include:

S:C:T Number of sockets, cores, and threads
NODES(A/I/O/T) Number of nodes by state in the format "allocated/idle/other/total"
AVAIL_FEATURES Available features such as CPUs, GPUs, internode interfaces
NODELIST Compute nodes IDs within the given partition

If a user wants to submit their job to the particular compute node, this can be requested by adding the Slurm flag --nodelist=<compute_node_ID>. Compute nodes that differ in available features can be allocated by setting an additional constraint --constraint=<compute_node_feature>, for example --constraint=v100 will allocate job to the compute node with NVIDIA V100 GPUs.

MidwayR3 Shared Partitions

All MidwayR3 users can submit jobs to any of the following shared partitions:

Partition Nodes CPUs CPU Type Total Memory Local Scratch
skylake 4 40 gold-6148 96 GB 900 MB
caslake-bigmem 1 40 gold-6248 1536 GB 900 MB

MidwayR3 Institutional Partitions

If you are a MidwayR3 researcher affiliated with the Booth School of Business, you are entitled to Booth purchased hardware resources. Each node has 1.8 GB of local scratch.

Partition Nodes Cores/nodes CPU Type GPUs GPU Type Total Memory Local Scratch Nodelist
booth 1 40 gold-6248 None None 1536 GB 1.8 GB sde006
booth 2 48 gold-6248r None None 384 GB 1.8 GB sde[007-008]
booth 1 48 gold-6248r 2 v100 384 GB 1.8 GB sde009

MidwayR3 QOC

QOS Partitions Max Wall Time Max Sub Job / User
normal skylake, caslake-bigmem 36 H 350
long skylake, caslake-bigmem, booth 7 Days 200

To see a full list of QOS run the following

sacctmgr list qos format=Name,MaxWall,MaxSubmitPU


QOS for private and institutional partitions can be changed upon owner's request.

Private Partitions

Private MidwayR partitions are typically associated with a research group with access approved by PI. Private partitions can be purchased via RCC Cluster Partnership Program to better accommodate the needs of a research group. PI may request to change QOS of private partitions at any time.

Do I Have Access to a Partition?

To check if you have access to a partition, first determine which groups your account belongs to:

and then check AllowAccounts field in the partition summary:
scontrol show partition <partition_name>
If AllowAccount is set to All then it is a shared partition available to all users. Otherwise, it is an institutional or private partition and one of your groups must match the AllowAccounts field in order to submit SLURM jobs to that partition.